" With occlusive barriers I do more complicated things with less complications. They have been a before and after in what I can achieve and how ".

Unai Guerrero
Implantologist - Grupo CDB
Biscay - Spain
Custom titanium solutions. Great resistance and totally biocompatible.
Occlusive barriers and patient-matched titanium foil. The latest technology in Guided Bone Regeneration. Unique and customized solutions.
The precision of our bespoke prostheses helps offer patients a perfect adaption to their bone structures. Providing adjusted biological support eases the healing process and helps to avoid risk of infection. No need for adjustments and with full guarantee. We offer the fastest, safest, and cheapest procedures, for the centers and the patients. We can improve the life of your patients, and yours too.
Custom-Made Solutions
Less recovery time, better results
The precision of our work reduces the amount of time that must be spent in the operating theatre, as well as simplifying the procedures with grafts, and by stabilising fractures to improve the healing process. In summary, it creates a quicker process, with less recovery risks, shortening hospital stays and improving the wellbeing of the patients.
CAD / CAM Technology
Detailed planning from the first minute
Thanks to CAD/CAM technology, and also to our 3D printing system which uses polymers, plaster, and other materials, we are able to improve surgical planning, reducing the number of uncertainties, which helps prevent unnecessary risks, and offers both the patient and the surgeon more security.
Titanium 3D Priting
Bone regeneration and reconstruction guided and custom-made for every need
Every patient is unique. Every disease has thousands of variations. This is why, at Osteophoenix, every project is unique. Starting with 3D tomography, scans, or other means of generating three-dimensional models, we create and produce both the prostheses, and the guides and test models that are necessary. Unique and customised.
" With occlusive barriers I do more complicated things with less complications. They have been a before and after in what I can achieve and how ".
Implantologist - Grupo CDB
Biscay - Spain
" Thanks to occlusive barriers, I can solve cases that would have required zygomatic implants or complex surgical techniques, further we not only regenerate hard tissues, but also soft tissues ".
Implantologist - Clínica Dental Box Serrano
Alicante - Spain
" The occlusive barrier is an excellent technique, fully grounded in biology. It has allowed me to reduce the number of surgeries necessary for the same case ".
Implantologist - Clínica Dental Lucio Milillo
Bari - Italy
" A biology-based technique that guarantees the patient's bone regeneration and that with a relatively simple learning curve allows complex cases to be treated ".
Implantologist - Studio Dentistico Dr. Paolo Mazzotta
Lecce - Italy
" The technique of bone regeneration through barriers, has brought me great surgical successes, satisfaction and saved me time of work and trauma for the patients ".
Implantologist - LCM Clínica Dental
Madrid - Spain
" Since using the occlusive barrier technique, I have managed to solve cases for which I previously would have needed very complex surgical techniques with reserved prognoses ".
Implantologist - Clínica Dental FibeMedic
Sevilla La Nueva, Madrid - Spain
" The barrier technique in bone regeneration has allowed me to carry out treatments that before I would not even consider. It is the best way to take advantage of what nature gives us ".
Implantologist - Clínica Dental Orive
Bilbao - Spain
Cranial defect reconstruction for those patients with bone loss due to trauma, tumors, or congenital diseases.
The occlusive barrier in medical grade titanium is designed and manufactured to suit the patient, which allows bone regeneration.
We offer custom-made biomodels to the patient using different 3D technologies.
The patient-matched titanium foil allows us the possibility of custom regeneration when only 3-wall gains are required.
Osteophoenix, alongside Ti&T, organise guided, custom-made conferences on tissue Engineering, where a representative of our scientific committee will talk about biological techniques, combined with engineering principles and new technology, all of which aims to regenerate bone tissue that has been lost, and that is needed to place implants predictably or restore the lost function.